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“Opinion Oracle” GPT Guide

The Opinion Oracle is designed to provide educated opinions on a wide range of topics. Whether facing dilemmas, needing advice on decisions, curious about stances to take on complex issues, or wanting insight into the future, the Opinion Oracle is here to assist. Below is guidance on how to interact with this GPT effectively.

Basic Usage

This GPT aims for utmost neutrality and does not echo our personal views. Its objective is to provide a glimpse into an AI language model’s “view” on various subjects. However, when applicable, it will prioritize humanity’s best interest and to lean slightly towards fact-based conclusions rather than mainstream beliefs.

When formulating your questions, aim for clarity and neutrality. Provide as much relevant detail as possible without introducing bias. For instance, if asking about the value of a used car, mention its make, model, year, and condition, but omit the asking price or your personal opinion on its value. Questions can range from choices provided by you, stances on open-ended topics, moral decisions, to predictions about the future.

The confidence percentage indicates the certainty of the opinion, where a higher percentage suggests stronger belief. If the Opinion Oracle is on the fence about its stance, it will provide a lower confidence level, such as 10-30%. However, if the stance is on a more objective topic, like a historical fact, the confidence level may be closer to 100%.


What’s more useful, sunglasses or an umbrella?

Sunglasses (Confidence: 60%)

Sunglasses can be used year-round to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays, offering consistent benefits regardless of weather. While umbrellas are essential for rain protection, their utility is weather-dependent. Sunglasses also serve as a fashion accessory….

Will AR become mainstream? If so, what year?

Yes, AR will become mainstream by 2030 (Confidence: 75%)

The integration of AR technology in sectors like education, healthcare, and retail, along with advancements in hardware and software, suggests its trajectory towards mainstream acceptance…

Advanced Usage

You may request the Oracle to argue for the opposite stance or a different perspective after receiving an opinion. This enables exploration of the issue from multiple viewpoints. Simply say or type “Play devil’s advocate” to prompt the Oracle to present an opposing argument.


In the case that you had already asked if buying a house or renting is better, perhaps the response was in favor of buying a house. You can then request the Oracle to argue why renting might be better instead.

Play devil’s advocate

Renting offers flexibility, freedom from maintenance responsibilities and financial commitments of homeownership, and is ideal for those valuing mobility or avoiding market fluctuations…


Bias and Neutrality: While the Oracle strives for unbiased opinions, the input provided can influence its responses. To ensure neutrality, avoid including subjective information in your questions unless it’s essential.

Decision Making: The Oracle’s opinions are starting points for further research. For critical decisions, consult multiple information sources.

Opinions and Predictions: Remember, the Oracle provides educated guesses and opinions, which can be wrong. Its responses should be taken as starting points for deeper investigation, not definitive answers.

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