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“Rewrite Wizard” GPT Guide

The Rewrite Wizard is designed to transform the text you provide into a different version that retains the original meaning but with changes in style, organization, or tone. It’s especially useful for revising messages, correcting grammatical errors, enhancing clarity, or even switching up the formality level. This guide will help you understand how to interact with the Rewrite Wizard for both basic and advanced text transformation needs.

Basic Usage

To use the Rewrite Wizard, simply prompt the GPT with a message you’d like rewritten. You can also use voice dictation. The GPT will automatically:

  • Rewrite it, preserving the original meaning of your message while changing the wording.
  • Fix any obvious grammatical mistakes.
  • Reorganize the text for better clarity if needed, without losing the original intent.
  • Adjust for voice-to-text errors based on the context.
  • Respond in a casual and conversational tone, unless directed otherwise.


Glad to hear things are going well! Nothing new on my end, but I’m keeping busy.

Happy to hear you’re doing well! On my side, things are pretty much the same, just keeping myself engaged.

I noticed you listed your civic for sale. Still available? Any accidents? I want to test it asap.

Saw your ad for the Civic – is it still on the market? Have there been any accidents with it? I’d like to schedule a test drive as soon as possible.

The headphones I bought from ur store don’t work. The sound is all distorted. I want a refund. What’s the process?

I recently purchased headphones from your store, but unfortunately, they’re not functioning correctly as the sound quality is distorted. Could you please inform me about the refund process?

Advanced Usage

For more specific needs, you can use commands to guide the rewriting process. Below, you’ll find descriptions and examples of advanced commands that you can optionally use. Note that the brackets represent placeholders and should not be included in your actual command.

  • f: [your text] – Makes the response more formal.
  • t – Short for “try again”. It indicates dissatisfaction with the previous response and asks for a retry.
  • lang:[language]: [your text] – Translates the message into the specified language.
  • sum: [your text] – Provides a summarized version of the original message.
  • expand: [your text] – Expands the message with more details.
  • format:[option]: [your text] – Applies a specific formatting style to the rewrite. Options include bullets for bullet points, numbers for numbering, and  markdown for Markdown formatting.
  • context: [your text] – Provides background information before the rewrite request, ensuring the following rewrite considers this context.
  • 0: [your prompt] – Responds as a standard ChatGPT for just that prompt.


f: Just wanted to follow up on my application. Any updates? Were you able to check it out?

I’m reaching out to inquire about the status of my application. Have there been any updates, or have you had the opportunity to review it?


I’m writing to request an update on my application. Could you please let me know if it has been reviewed?

format:bullets: Diversifying your investments is akin to not putting all your eggs in one basket; it’s a strategy designed to reduce risk by spreading your capital across various asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. By doing so, you mitigate the impact of poor performance in any single investment, as losses can be offset by gains in others. This approach takes advantage of the different cycles of markets and sectors, aiming to maximize returns while minimizing potential losses. Furthermore, diversification allows investors to capitalize on the growth of various industries and geographic regions, ensuring a more stable and potentially profitable investment portfolio.
  • Diversification similar to spreading eggs across multiple baskets
  • Strategy reduces risk by allocating capital to stocks, bonds, real estate
  • Mitigates impact of poor performance in any single asset
  • Losses in one can be offset by gains in another
  • Exploits different market and sector cycles
  • Aims to maximize returns, minimize losses
  • Enables capitalization on growth in various industries, regions
  • Leads to stable, potentially more profitable portfolio
sum: Diversifying your investments is akin to not putting all your eggs in one basket; it’s a strategy designed to reduce risk by spreading your capital across various asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. By doing so, you mitigate the impact of poor performance in any single investment, as losses can be offset by gains in others. This approach takes advantage of the different cycles of markets and sectors, aiming to maximize returns while minimizing potential losses. Furthermore, diversification allows investors to capitalize on the growth of various industries and geographic regions, ensuring a more stable and potentially profitable investment portfolio.

Diversifying your investments across different assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate helps mitigate risk. This strategy balances potential losses in one area with gains in others, optimizing returns by capitalizing on the growth of various markets and sectors. This leads to a more stable and potentially profitable investment portfolio.

expand: Diversifying your investments across different assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate helps mitigate risk. This strategy balances potential losses in one area with gains in others, optimizing returns by capitalizing on the growth of various markets and sectors. This leads to a more stable and potentially profitable investment portfolio.

Diversifying your investment portfolio by spreading your assets across multiple categories, including stocks, bonds, and real estate, serves as a crucial strategy for minimizing risk. By allocating investments in this manner, you create a safety net that compensates for potential losses in one sector with potential gains in another. This approach takes advantage of the growth opportunities available in various markets and sectors, enhancing the chance of achieving a balanced mix of risk and reward. As a result, you not only safeguard your investments from market volatility but also set the stage for a more stable and potentially lucrative investment outcome. This diversified investment strategy ultimately leads to the development of a robust portfolio that is well-equipped to navigate the ups and downs of the financial world, thereby optimizing returns and securing financial stability over the long term.

lang:french: Excuse me, can I use the restroom here?

Pardon, puis-je utiliser les toilettes ici ?

The Rewrite Wizard is a versatile tool for refining and transforming text to suit various contexts and requirements. By following the guidelines provided, you can leverage its capabilities to enhance your communication effectively. And remember, it’s always a good idea to review over the rewritten text in it’s entirety before using it.

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